Published on March 18, 2010 By lulapilgrim In Ethics

A certain self-styled Protestant whom I’ll call “Deleter” thinks it’s OK to make false claims against the Catholic Church and Catholicism while at the same time insists upon no rebuttal from me by deleting my comments.

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on Mar 30, 2010

There were to be NO priests (like the OT) under the new covenant.  It was Jesus (not Judaism) that did away with the priests. His tearing the veil in two from top to bottom was what did it. 

Yes. That makes sense.

I said several times that Judaism still has a priesthood.

So Lula wants priests in Christianity and doesn't acknowledge priests in Judaism. In reality there are no priests in Christianity but there are priests in Judaism.


Actually Judaism is trying to reinstate the priesthood and they are making rapid progression from what I heard today.  I heard they have a Priest with the right credentials in Jerusalem (a butcher) by the name of Cohen who they are looking at to be the next High Priest. 

They are all named Cohen or Catz (Cohen Tzedeq).

I guess there are attempts to revive the position of High Priest. Of course that would require the Temple.


on Mar 30, 2010

kfc posts 8

....The church is made up of believers from all denominations.

lula posts:

Scripture is clear that Christ entrusted this power to bind and loose only St.Peter and the Apostles.

KFC posts:

and then to the elders to the church. Like I said believers.

By your comments it's clear the notion of "the Church" established, authorized and guaranteed by Christ to teach us the fullness of His doctrines, give us sanctifying grace through the 7 Sacraments, to keep us united in one body, one Spirit, one faith, one baptism, and by these things lead us to eternal happiness in Heaven, is an alien concept.

Your definition of "Church" as made up of all believers in all denominations; all having the power to bind and loose and therefore ever changing and contradictory teachings, without Sacraments, and without a separate, sacrificing priesthood, has little more to offer than "fellowship".

You are true blue to Protestant dogma which divorces Christ from the Chruch He built on St.Peter, separating that which is inseparable. Christ established a unifying central ecclesiasitcal authority when He gave St. Peter the keys to the kingdom.

Sects (in Latin secta, cut, divided) are cut off from the one, true Church, the Body of Christ, established, authorized and guaranteed by Christ. Protestants want the Head, Christ, without the Mystical Body, His Church.

AGAIN, your definition of Church is a teaching of Calvin repeated by Luther etc. You need to stop repeating their false teaching. “The church is made up of believers from all denominations” is unBiblical because it is not Christ’s or the Apostle’s teaching.

Your claim that "the Church" of St.Matt. 16:18-19 is believers in all denominations having the power "to bind and loose" is contrary to the will of CHrist. Your claim is a denial of the oneness Jesus prayed for as He and His Father are one.  

What Protestants tell the world is that St.Peter as the visible head of Christ's Church is of no importance, the 7 Sacraments are of no importance, a separate, sacrificing priesthood is of no importance, 7 Books of the OT are of no importance, and the list goes on and on.

Protestantism, the existence of hundreds of differing sects is heresy, a sin of disunion, that goes a long way towards explaining the indifference to God's one true religion.

What St.Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, said to followers of the first century sects applies with equal force today. "Be not deceived, my brethren, if any one followeth one that maketh schism, he doth not inherit the kingdom of God. If anyone walketh in strange doctrine, he hath no fellowship with the Passion." Ad Philad, n. 3.

kfc posts 8

....The church is made up of believers from all denominations.

KFC posts:

and then to the elders to the church. Like I said believers.

This is what St.Ignatius was warning about as "strange doctrine."  


on Mar 30, 2010

kfc posts

Christ .....He told Peter and the 12 and by extension ALL OTHER BELIEVERS that they had the authority to declare what is divinely forbidden or permitted on earth.

This is another one of those false teachings that St.Ignatius was warning about.


on Mar 30, 2010

lula's understanding of binding and loosening: 

St.Matt. 16 tells us that Christ gave St.Peter His authority to make decisions and that He would back them in Heaven. Since Jesus promised to be with His Church until the end of time, that same authority would have to remain with whomever succeeded St.Peter and the other Apostles down through the ages.

So, St.Peter was given the keys of the kingdom singularly and was entrusted with them in conjunction with the powers of binding and loosing. Binding and loosing is equated with the authority to decide what is allowed and forbidden.

The power to bind and loose connotes the authority to absolve sins or to hold them bound, St. John 20:22-23; 9:8. to pronounce doctrinal judgments (for example to include people in the Chruch or to exclude or excommunicate them) and to make disciplinary decisions in the Church. As to the word "Whatever you bind...whatever you loose indicates that Jesus gives St.Peter the authority to decide the extent and limitations of his role to bind and loose. The Chruch has traditionally understood the parameters of binding and loosing as applying only to the areas of faith and morals.

kfc's understanding of binding and loosening:

In John 20:23 after His resurrection Christ said "If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained."

 In giving instruction for church discipline to all his people, Jesus said that if a sinning believer refuses to turn from his sin after being counselled privately and even after being rebuked by the entire congration, the church not only is permitted but obligated to treat the unrepentant member "as a Gentile and a tax gatherer" (Matt 18:15-17).

He then said to the church as a whole what He earlier had said to Peter and to the other apostles, "Truly I say to you whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (18:18). In other words, a body of believers has the right to tell an unrepentant brother that he is out of line with God's word and has no right to fellowship with God's people. That's the meaning behind binding and loosing Lula. It's not some divine authority just to the RCC and it's Pope. That's utterly ridiculous. The church is people. It's NOT denomination.

No, KFC....the Divine power to bind and loose was NOT given to the whole body of believers. That is utter nonsense.

Scripture teaches Christ gave the power to forgive or retain sins to St.Peter and the other Apostles, and they in turn to their legitimate successors. Not to all the members of the Church.

If you study Protestantism you'll find that Luther did away with the Christ-instituted Sacrament of Penance (Confession). Luther claimed "faith alone" was enough. And since on that you follow Luther and believe in his doctrine, the true meaning of of binding and loosening as well as forgiving or retaining sins escapes you.  

When we sin, we lose sanctifying grace in our soul and move further away from God. In the Church Christ established through the priesthood are the means to restore sanctifying grace beginning with the Sacrament of Baptism and continuing with the Sacrament of Penance where we receive forgiveness of our sins and receive absolution.

The Biblical evidence of the forgiveness of sins is found in St.Matt. 16; 2Cor. 5 and St.John 20.

God forgives sins and God delegated that power to His ambassodors. That's where the Catholic priests come into the picture.

The function of Priests is to offer Sacrifice and reconcile sinners with God. The Apostles were commissioned by Christ to offer sacrifice in commemmoration of Him at the Last Supper which is one form of making reparation for sin.

St.Matt. 16:18.....To St.Peter as head of the Apostolic College, Christ gave His Keys which signified supreme earthly authority to do what CHrist did; that is, have jurisdiction over the flock of which Christ is the Heavenly Good Shepherd. Later, 18:18, to the other Apostles, Christ gave the power to bind and loose that is the power to make decisions, and to inflict censure upon the sinner.

After the Resurrection, the Risen Christ told the Apostles in language unmistakenly clear of their power to forgive sinners...

"As the Father hath sent Me, I also send you." When He had said this, He breathed on them and He said to them, "Receive thee the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them, and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained." St.John 20.

Note: That as God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to forgive sinners. The Son in turn, Who is a Divine Person sent His Apostles.

Note: That Christ sent His Apostles and gave only them the power through the Holy Ghosty to forgive sins.

Note: That the power of Heaven and earth that Christ has, He bestowed upon St.Peter and the other Apostles.

Note: That the Apostles were to continue the commission that Christ came to carry out personally during His earthly life.

Note: That it's not reasonable to assume that the power to bind and loose was to end with the last of the Apostles, becasue Our All Merciful Lord came to help sinners during all time which is why He established the Chruch with the objective to reconcile sinners with God. If that weren't so, St.Paul wouldn't have passed judgement on the incestuous Corinthian "If I have pardoned anything for your sakes I have done it in the name of CHrist." 2Cor. 2:10.

The continuance of the power to forgive sin comes through Apostolic Succession, by the laying on of hands in the priesthood.

Of binding and loosing St.Ambrose said, "both are allowed to the Church; neither is allowed to heretics; becasue it is a rite conceded only to priests." De.Poenit, L. I.c, 11.

We see that the power of binding and loosing and to forgive or retain sins continued on after the death of the Apostles. It was not a power of human nature, rather it was a Divine ambassadorial power.

"But all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to Himself, not imputing to them their sins; and He hath placed in us the word of reconciliation. For Christ, therefore, we, (St.Paul, Timothy, Titus and others), are ambassadors, God as it were exhorting by us. For Christ we beseech you, be reconciled to God."  2Cor.5:18-20   





on Mar 31, 2010

lula posts:

What you describe is but one small part of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church was established, authorized, and guaranteed by CHrist to teach us all of His doctrine, give us sanctifying grace through the 7 Sacraments, and to keep us united in charity (love) with God and with each other and make us holy and by these things lead us to Heaven. This is accomplished with the Catholic sacerdotal priesthood. The priesthood the Messias instituted and a new, unbloody Sacrifice in place of the Aaronic priesthood and its Mosaic sacrifices.

Leauki posts:

Says who?

Did Jesus at least mention priests or is all of the above made up?

Yes, Christ founded and instituted a visible, perpetual priesthood which belongs only to those who are properly chosen and ordained in a special rite, the imposition of hands, which distinguished them from the rest of the faithful.

To the Apostles and their legitimate successors in the priesthood alone was given the power of consecrating the Body and Blood of Christ.  "Do this for a commemoration of Me." St.Luke 22:19. Christ's words of the consecration formula made them priests because they gave the power to offer Sacrifice, the clean oblation (in fulfillment of Malachais 1:11), to God.   

The first source for the history of the Holy Mass and the Catholic priesthood is the account of the Last Supper. It was becasue Our Lord told us to do what He had done, in memory of HIm, that the early Catholic liturgy exists. All the Catholic liturgies (Mass) obey Christ's command to do "this" namely what He Himself had done.

On her Garage sales blog, KFC said that the early Church met together and only sang hymns, but she is wrong. A definite pattern for the celebration of the early Catholic liturgy (the Holy Eucharist) had developed within decades of Our Lord's death, a pattern which was carried on in the 1st century and the very same one through today.     

The earliest and most detailed account of the Eucharist is found in St. Paul's first Epistle to the Corinthians 11: 23-27 which predates the Gospels around 52-55AD It is the consecration formula used by St.Paul and the formula already in use in the Apostolic liturgy.  

 "For I have received of the Lord that which I also deliverd unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which He was betrayed, took bread, and giving thanks, broke and said, "Take ye and eat: This is My Body which shall be delivered for you: Do this for a commemmoration of Me. In like manner also the chalice, after He had supped, saying: THis chalice is the new testament in My Blood: this do ye, as often as you shall drink, for the commemoration of Me. For as often as you shall eat this Bread and drink this Chalice, you shall show the death of the Lord, until he come. Therfore whosoever shall eat this Bread or drink the Chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the Body and BLood of the Lord."

Before St.Barnabas and St.Paul went forth on their missionary journeys, they were ordained as priests. "And as they were ministering to the Lord, and fasting, the HOly Ghost said to them: Separate me Saul and Barnabas for the work whereunto I have taken them. Then they, fasting and praying and imposing their hands upon them, sent them away." Acts 13:2-3.

"And when they had ordained to them priests in every church and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the LOrd, in whom they believed." Acts 14:22.

Through the Sacrament of the Imposition of hands, HOly Orders, as St. Paul confirms in his letter to Timothy: "Neglect not the grace that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with imposition of hands of the priesthood." 1Tim. 4:14.

"I admonish thee that thou stir up the grace of God which is in thee, by the imposition of my hands. 2Tim. 1:6.

To be called to the priesthood, the separate, sacrificing priesthood of the NT, pledged to sacred service on the altar is of the highest honor. And this priesthood is an ongoing reality, as can be seen by the tense of the verbs in the texts of St.Paul.

In Heb.5:1/4, "For every high priest (who is) taken from among men, is ordained for men in the things that appertain to God, that he may offer up gifts and sacrifices for sins:....Neither doth any man take the honor to himself, but he that is called by God, as Aaron was."




on Mar 31, 2010

kfc posts:

The only priesthood mentioned in the NT is what I wrote above. It's the priesthood of believers.

Wrong again, KFC. Just becasue Protestantism rejects the Church, her authority and sacerdotal priesthood doesn't mean they don't exist in the NT.  What does Hebrews 5:1 and verse 4 say? Aaron was called by God for a special priesthood as are these NT priests are called by God to offer up gifts and sacrifices for sins.

One more point....

Beginning on Pentecost, the early Chruch set about carrying out Christ's commands to teach all nations, baptizing them...Early on we see the Apostles "ministering to the Lord and fasting" Acts. 13:2.  But by the time of Pentecost, the Lord had acended into Heaven and walked with them no more, so they cannot be ministering to the Lord in the sense of giving aid or serving Him in some way. What then were they doing? The OT sheds some light on this.

Take unto thee also Aaron thy brother with his sons, from among the children of Israel, that they may minister to me in the priests office...and thou shalt make a holy vesture for Aaron thy brother for glory and for beauty. And thou shalt speak to all the wise of heart, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom; that they may make Aaron's vestments, in which he being consecrated may minister to me. Exodus 28:1-3.

Whosoever of thy seed throughout their families, hath a blemish, he shall not offer bread to his God. Neither shall he approach to minister to HIm...whosoever of the seed of Aaron the priest hath a blemish, he shall not approach to offer sacrifices to the Lord, nor bread to his God. Lev. 21: 17-18, 21.

In Acts 13:2, When they were  "ministering of the Lord" in Antioch, they were offering the worship of the Church which would later be called the Holy Mass by the priesthood of the New Testament both of them prefigured in these OT texts.

Again, Acts is the actual history of the CC and that there might be priests to offer the Holy Sacrifice, teach Christ's truths to all nations, until the end of the world, and administer the 7 Sacraments, the Apostles conferred upon other men the Sacrament of Holy Orders and made them priests.

St.Paul to the Corinthians said, "Let a man so account of us as of the ministers of Christ; and the dispensers of the mysteries of God. Here now it is required among the dispensers, that a man be found faithful." 1Cor. 4:1-2.

Who are the "Dispensers" of the mysteries of God? ANd what are the "mysteries of God" Well, in Catholicism, the dispensers are the priests and "the mysteries of God" are the 7 Sacraments, Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Anonting of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony. Only validly ordained priests can be dispensers of the mysteries of God.

"the mysteries of God" are the Sacraments and the Sacraments are an outward sign of inward grace ordained by Christ, by which sanctifying (supernatural) grace is given to our souls.

kfc posts:

The NT knows NOTHING of a sacerdotal class in contrast to the laity;

Clearly Christ established a separate priesthood with exclusive powers and it is through the hierarchial priesthood we receive the 7 Sacraments.  Clearly, There are two types of priesthood in the New Testament. Your repudiation of a separate priesthood comes from the same source as the rest of your unBiblical denials, substitutions and redefinitions of things Catholic.    


on Mar 31, 2010

Yes, Christ founded and instituted a visible, perpetual priesthood which belongs only to those who are properly chosen and ordained in a special rite, the imposition of hands, which distinguished them from the rest of the faithful.

Well, luckily for us everything important Jesus said and did was written down.

Can you point me to the sentences in question?

I don't understand Greek but I can look at English and German translations.

I also have a Hebrew version of the Christian Bible. I can check how they translated it.


on Mar 31, 2010

Of course that would require the Temple.

Yes, and according to Marv (going to Jerusalem in two weeks again) he said they have everything ready and the whole thing could go up in a matter of months.  He has quite a ministry over there.  Right now our group has been asked to help a very poor group of Ethiopian Jews over there who have virtually nothing.  I'm hoping I can go in the fall.  He's going to extend the trip to Ephesus and the Isle of Patmos among other places. 

Clearly Christ established a separate priesthood with exclusive powers and it is through the hierarchial priesthood we receive the 7 Sacraments. Clearly, There are two types of priesthood in the New Testament. Your repudiation of a separate priesthood comes from the same source as the rest of your unBiblical denials, substitutions and redefinitions of things Catholic.

there are NO 7 sacraments in scripture.  That's your religion talking Lula.  There are only 2.  Baptism and the Lord's Supper.  The rest is all your religion. 

Show me in scripture where Christ was reinstating the priesthood.  Go ahead.  Show me.  I think the veil tearing in two from top to bottom was a very big hint that it was done away with.  There was no need for a mediator anymore between man and God.  Christ fulfilled that role as our High Priest.  We are to go thru Him now.  Not a priest.  Remember Lula..the book of Hebrews was written to the Hebrews who were still under the Old Covenant.  It's the only NT book without an author for good reason.  The unconverted Jews were NOT listening to Paul.  By NOT having his name at the beginning of the letter  (which was custom) they were more apt to read the contents.  Notice how the other letters start out with the author's name but this one. 

Well, luckily for us everything important Jesus said and did was written down.

yep and that was the point.  Everything God wished for us to know we have whether it be in nature or the written word. The Scriptures are his written revelation to mankind.  All the rest is man centered. 


on Mar 31, 2010

And when they had ordained to them priests in every church and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the LOrd, in whom they believed." Acts 14:22.

This is your problme Lula.  It's NOT PRIESTS;  It's ELDERS.  The word in the Greek is ELDERS.  IT is NOT Priest.  Your RCC has twisted scripture to make it say what they want it to say and you're going by that instead of the original translation.  They are the ones who did the substituting.  You ARE following MAN; not God when you do such things. 

I challenge you to go to the original Greek and see for yourself.  See the problem is NOT evidence.  The problem is response. 

On her Garage sales blog, KFC said that the early Church met together and only sang hymns, but she is wrong.

I said that?  Really?  I said they ONLY sang hymns? 

You failed to show where Christ instituted the priesthood.  Saying to have communion in memory of him does NOT in any way institute a priesthood.  Believers of all walks come together to do that regularly WITHOUT the benefit of a priest. 


on Mar 31, 2010

Yes, and according to Marv (going to Jerusalem in two weeks again) he said they have everything ready and the whole thing could go up in a matter of months.  He has quite a ministry over there.  Right now our group has been asked to help a very poor group of Ethiopian Jews over there who have virtually nothing.  I'm hoping I can go in the fall.  He's going to extend the trip to Ephesus and the Isle of Patmos among other places.

Maybe we can meet in Jerusalem in the fall.

Once I fall over money again, I'll certainly go back.

And my regards to Marv and his support for the Ethiopians. Ethiopian Jews (actually members of the tribe of Dan) have for too long been dismissed by the Jewish state and didn't receive the support they should have received.


on Mar 31, 2010

It's NOT PRIESTS;  It's ELDERS.  The word in the Greek is ELDERS.  IT is NOT Priest. 

I checked this and it's Acts 14:23.

Luther (German) 1545:

Und sie ordneten ihnen hin und her Älteste in den Gemeinden, beteten und fasteten und befahlen sie dem HERRN, an den sie gläubig geworden waren.

"Älteste" means "elders".

Worldwide English:

They chose leaders for them in every church. They talked with God and fasted. When they were finished, they gave the leaders over to the Lord's care, because they believed in him.

Says "leaders" here.

Some Greek version:

χειροτονησαντες δε αυτοις πρεσβυτερους κατ εκκλησιαν προσευξαμενοι μετα νηστειων παρεθεντο αυτους τω κυριω εις ον πεπιστευκεισαν

πρεσβυτερους (presbyteroys) means "elders":

So back to Lula for another quote that says something about priests.

And I still want to know how Judaism was the "first organic, priestly sacrificial Divinely revealed religion" even though Abraham ran into a priest of G-d who is apparently regarded as the source of Catholic priestdom. Melchizedek and Jethro definitely followed a "priestly sacrificial Divinely revealed religion", so how could Judaism have been the first? Moses and Aarons foundation of Judaism happened a long time after Abraham's meeting with Melchizedek and after Moses' meeting with Jethro.


on Mar 31, 2010

πρεσβυτερους (presbyteroys) means "elders":

Thank you Leauki.  Exactly as I wrote up in #58. 

So back to Lula for another quote that says something about priests.

I second that.  Like I's NOT about evidence but all about responding to the evidence that matters. 

For both of you:  I tried to write a blog on the Third Temple and it's significance to endtime prophecies ONLY to have it disappear twice (very weird) before I could post it.  Since I don't wish to write it all over again, I'll just share this link with you I read today.  The rebuilding of the Jewish Temple and the reinstating of the Priesthood in Jerusalem is VERY VERY important to endtime theology.  I've been saying this for years (as you know) and been scoffed at (like this could even be a reality) believing this since I was a young child.  In the 60's and 70's it certainly didn't look like much of a reality.  Well it's all set to go and the Jews are trying to get this done immediately by their ad campaign.  Here's the short link about it I read today.



on Mar 31, 2010

kfc posts:

This is your problme Lula. It's NOT PRIESTS; It's ELDERS. The word in the Greek is ELDERS. IT is NOT Priest. ..

kfc posts:

The only priesthood mentioned in the NT is what I wrote above. It's the priesthood of believers.

Lula posts:

Wrong again, KFC. Just becasue Protestantism rejects the Church, her authority and sacerdotal priesthood doesn't mean they don't exist in the NT. What does Hebrews 5:1 and verse 4 say? Aaron was called by God for a special priesthood as are these NT priests are called by God to offer up gifts and sacrifices for sins.

As already noted in Acts 15, the Protestant King James Version has changed "priest" to "elder".  Yet, in Hebrews 5:1, 3-4 the KJV has "For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins: And by reason hereof he ought, as for the people, so also for himself, to offer for sins. 4 And no man taketh this honor unto himself, but he that is called of God, like Aaron."

To be called to the priesthood, the separate, sacrificing priesthood of the NT, pledged to sacred service on the altar is of the highest honor. And this priesthood is an ongoing reality, as can be seen by the tense of the verbs in the texts of St.Paul.

St.Paul is describing the Catholic Priesthood here.


on Mar 31, 2010

Leauki posts:

So back to Lula for another quote that says something about priests.


I second that. Like I's NOT about evidence but all about responding to the evidence that matters.

Well, for one....Hebrews 5:1, 3-4 quotes something about priests.

 And there are more:

Read the First Epistle of St.Paul to Timothy ....About 33 years after Our Lord ascended into Heaven, St.Paul writes to Timothy, who then was Bishop of Ephesus. St.Paul is instructing him in the duties of a bishop both in respect to himself, to those under his priestly care, as well as how he should behave towards his own clergy. He tells him he ought to be well-informed of those on whom he was to "impose hands"...(ordain into the hierarchial priesthood).

Chapter 3 is full of references to bishops and deacons. V.1 "This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work." v.2 "A bishop must be blameless,...." v. 5 "For if a man not know how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the Church of God?" 

V. 8 begins St.Paul's instructions to Timothy on how deacons of the Church are supposed to be. And V. 15 sums it up..."But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou ought to behave thyself in the House of God, which is the Church of the living God (Jesus Christ), the pillar and ground of truth." The Church of the living God Who is Jesus Christ, is the same Church as per St. Matt. 16:18-19 and the Catholic Church, CHrist's Chruch built on the foundation rock of St.Peter is the pillar and ground of Truth.

Now, that's enough to convince me, but wait...there's more...lots more.

1Timothy, chapter verse 1, we get the true meaning of elder as an older person...the KJV has "elder", the DR has "ancient" meaning old..."An ancient (KJV elder) man, rebuke not, but entreat him as a father; a young man as brethren."

Then skip down to v. 17, the KJV has "elder" here as well, while the DR has "priest"... "Let the priests (KJV "elders") who rule well be esteemed worthy of double honor, espeically those who labor in the word and doctrine." And v. 19, "Against a priest (elder KJV), receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses."

Isn't the KJV using the same word "elder" in v. 1 and in v. 17 interesting...or I should say confusing!

We know he is talking about the sacerdotal priesthood becasue of v. 22-22 which says, "I charge thee before God and Christ, Jesus, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without prejudice, doing nothing by partiality. 22 Impose not hands lightly upon any man, neither be partaker of other men's sins..." 

And let's not forget good ol' St.James...

St.James 5:14 concerns the priests' duty in the Sacrament of Extreme Unction also called the ANointing of the Sick,

"Is any man sick among you? Let him bring in the priests of the Church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord." The KJV has "elders" instead of priests.

And as for something about the sacerdotal "priesthood", look at 1Tim. 4:14, "Neglect not the grace that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with imposition of hands of the priesthood." (instead of "priesthood", KJV has "presbytery").

on Apr 01, 2010

lula posts:

The power and authority to bind and loose was given only to St.Peter and the Apostles and from them to the "elders" (priests). This is Apostolic Succession.

kfc posts:

You may want to go over and read Acts 15 very carefully. Notice how many times it says "apostles and elders" in tandem? Five times in one chapter to be exact

Lula posts:

So, OK, I checked out Acts 15 in the KJV and guess what I discovered? The translators of the KJV changed the "priest" into an "elder".

Acts 15:2, ".....they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain others of the other side, should go up to the Apostles and priests (KJV "elders") to Jerusalem about this question." 

Acts 15:4, "And when they were come to Jerusalem, they were received of the Chruch and of the Apostles and priests (KJV "elders") and they declared all things that GOd had done."

kfc posts:

and where pray tell did you get that from? the word elder comes from the Greek Lula. It is the word "presbuteros" which means "an old man, an elder".


I said,

These "elders" that you speak of were priests who had already been ordained into the priesthood of the New Covenant. Greek was the common language and the early church titles were "bishop" or "Overseer", "presbyter'" (priest) and "deacon". The entry "priest" in dictionaries will give the word "presbyter".

Look up the word "priest" and you'll find the word "presbyter".


a person whose office it is to perform religious rites, and esp. to make sacrificial offerings.
(in Christian use)
a person ordained to the sacerdotal or pastoral office; a member of the clergy; minister.
(in hierarchical churches) a member of the clergy of the order next below that of bishop, authorized to carry out the Christian ministry.
a minister of any religion.
–verb (used with object)
to ordain as a priest.
bef. 900; ME prest(e), priest, OE prēost, ult. < LL presbyter

Word Origin & History

O.E. preost, shortened from the older Gmc. form represented by O.S., O.H.G. prestar, O.Fris. prestere, from V.L. *prester "priest," from L.L. presbyter "presbyter, elder," from Gk. presbyteros ..... In O.T. sense, a translation of Heb. kohen, Gk. hiereus, L. sacerdos.
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper
priest  (prēst)  
  1. In many Christian churches, a member of the second grade of clergy ranking below a bishop but above a deacon and having authority to administer the sacraments.

  2. A person having the authority to perform and administer religious rites.

tr.v.   priest·ed, priest·ing, priests
To ordain or admit to the priesthood.

[Middle English preost, from Old English prēost, perhaps from Vulgar Latin *prester (from Late Latin presbyter; see presbyter) or from West Germanic *prēvost (from Latin praepositus, superintendent; see provost).]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2009 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

I say "priest" and you say "elder". Well, check out the this point we are discussing Chapter the Book of Acts from chapter one and you'll see the events build on one another; it's the chronological development of the early Catholic Church...chapters 6, 8, 13 and 14 describe the "Imposition of hands", which is the rite of the New Covenant priesthood that Catholics have had from the Apostles through today.

The Oxford English Dictionary says, under "elder', that the title was borrowed and attached to those whom we call priests.

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