Hark! The arrival of the cultus of Personality
Published on March 7, 2009 By lulapilgrim In Politics

You know what? Ever since Obama made all kinds of outrageous promises of hope, really hype, the Liberals are in adoration and his flock of sheople have been blind with delight.

Obama is a god in the cult of Personality! A friend recently sent me an article from the Remnant newspaper that has something I'd like to share with you for your consideration.  

The new ten commandments of Obamanation are:

1  I am Barack thy Obama, thou shalt not cling bitterly to the Lord thy God.

2  Thou shalt not take the name of Barack in vain.

3  Remember keep holy the Inauguration Day.

4  Honor thy mother and her partner and honor thy father and his partner.

5  Thou shalt kill (the unborn).

6  Thou shalt not commit chastity.

7  Thou shalt steal from the rich.

8  Thou shalt not bear firearms against the wildlife.

9  Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's quota.

10  Thy shalt covet thy neighbor's wealth.



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on Jul 31, 2009
The Ten Commandments According to Obama

© 2009 The Patriot Update. Feel free to circulate this article, but please give credit and link to The Patriot Update!
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After observing Obama on the campaign trail and during his first six months in office, we have concluded that our President lives and governs according to his own set of “Ten Commandments.” They’re certainly NOT the Ten Commandments you learned in Sunday School. In fact, many are the direct opposite! To prove that our conclusions are correct, you will find a link to source documentation for each commandment on the Patriot Update web site. (Check out our t-shirt version below!)

I. Thou shalt have no God in America, except for me. For we are no longer a Christian nation and, after all, I am the chosen One. (And like God, I do not have a birth certificate.) SOURCE

II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, unless it is my face carved on Mt. Rushmore. SOURCE

III. Thou shalt not utter my middle name in vain (or in public). Only I can say Barack Hussein Obama. SOURCE

IV. Remember tax day, April 15th, to keep it holy. SOURCE

V. Honour thy father and thy mother until they are too old and sick to care for. They will cost our public-funded health-care system too much money. SOURCE

VI. Thou shalt not kill, unless you have an unwanted, unborn baby. For it would be an abomination to punish your daughter with a baby. SOURCE

VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery if you are conservative or a Republican. Liberals and Democrats are hereby forgiven for all of their infidelity and immorality, but the careers of conservatives will be forever destroyed. SOURCE

VIII. Thou shalt not steal, until you've been elected to public office. Only then is it acceptable to take money from hard-working, successful citizens and give it to those who do not work, illegal immigrants, or those who do not have the motivation to better their own lives. SOURCE

IX. Thou shalt not discriminate against thy neighbor unless they are conservative, Caucasian, or Christian. SOURCE

X. Thou shalt not covet because it is simply unnecessary. I will place such a heavy tax burden on those that have achieved the American Dream that, by the end of my term as President, nobody will have any wealth or material goods left for you to covet. SOURCE

on Aug 01, 2009

Thought I'd take one 'source' and test it just to see what it's like:

Thou shalt not discriminate against thy neighbor unless they are conservative, Caucasian, or Christian  SOURCE

Follow the source, and the first thing to notice are the titles it's under - Musings, and Satire. Hardly the most reliable of sources! Even assuming all the things mentioned in the article are correct though (I can't be bothered to do a thorough check on the reliability of something described as satire, especially since it's not been described as the source of the quoted claim above) it doesn't support the quoted section.

That said as a piece of satire the 10 commandments thing isn't too bad, so my opinion on it depends on whether the person using it actually believes it to be true, or simply finds it amusing (this isn't directed at you by the way lula, just the patriot update section you posted)

on Aug 01, 2009

Yes, the whole thing is satirical and amusing, but at the same time, it sends a message that gets one thinking as well.

Take for example

Thou shalt not discriminate against thy neighbor unless they are conservative, Caucasian, or Christian SOURCE

I think this one is pretty much on the mark.  It used to be a good thing to "Discriminate", to have discriminating tastes, but not any more...nowadays it's a bad thing. Again, unless one is discriminating against conservatives (Rush Limbaugh, Anne Coulter, Sarah Palin are a few who come to mind...Caucasions, particulary old white men, and Christians, particularly Catholics. Anti-Catholicism is an acceptable prejudice.







on Jun 14, 2011

The US economy is in a much greater crisis than just money. There's a moral debt that's even more staggering than 15 trillion dollars. Please watch this episode of The Vortex about the ills of Obamanomics.



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