Here we go again.
A certain self-styled Protestant whom I’ll call “Deleter” thinks it’s OK to quote Scripture, link it to current events and explain it from her Protestant theological pov, take swipes against Catholics, the Catholic Church and Catholicism while at the same time insists upon no rebuttal from me by deleting my comments.
The comments that led up to the deletion of my comments are as follows:
Deleter posted:
No, Lula the gospels don't preach something else. The great commission (Matt 28) is to go out into the world making disciples.
I responded quoting St. Matthew 28:19-20.
Deleter posted:
stick to the subject matter Lula. THis is NOT about baptism.
I did stick to the subject matter. The subject matter turned when BT wrote:
I do not have any problems at all understanding what you call the word of GOD. I just don’t need you or some organization to explain it all to me.
Deleter responded by telling BT that Church isn't about explaining anything and when I challenged that error by citing Scripture...St.Matt.28: 19-20 to be exact comment was deleted and the retort that it's not about Baptism.
Deleter posted:
The great commission (Matt 28) is to go out into the world making disciples.
But how does St. Matt.28:19-20 record that the church makes disciples of all nations? By teaching (explaining) Christ and by Baptizing in His name.
And besides that if you still think the Church is not about explaining anything, then what did Christ mean when He said, "He who hears you hears me,...."?
Lula posted:
Don't you realize the theological debate started on the first page when DB90 challenged your theological pov? BT did as well, but when it comes to me...nope...nothing doing.
Deleter posts:
But it had to do with the subject matter.
I agreed and so did my comments have to do with the subject matter.
I explained there are 6 pages of comments and not all of them directly pertain to the original article about Hawking, It wasn't long before the discussion developed into one around the subject matter of religion(s). BT's comments of #58 had nothing to do with Hawking per se, but plenty to do with the discussion as it had progressed.
Deleter posted:
If you want to talk black holes, Stephen Hawking or the general end of the age type of scriptures fine but please don't get into the diff between the Catholics and the Protestants.
I reminded Deleter that she didn't tell BT to stick to the original topic and her own comments # 64, 65 and 66 swerved the discussion head on into her theological viewpoint while at the same time swiping against Catholicism.
Deleter posted:
You have a habit of coming on my site and turning it into a Catholic/Protestant debate.
I replied: Check it out...YOU, not me, are the one who first brought up your theological viewpoint (Protestantism in both your article and comments) while protest-ing against the Catholic Church.
Deleter posted:
That's ok at times if we're in that general area but not every single time we get close to discussing scripture in general.
I replied: Well, when you quote Scripture and then assert it means or supports something (in this case Hawking's ideas) and I disagree, then sure I'm going to tell you and give reasons why. That's just the way that it is.
Deleter posted:
It's not about Protestant or Catholic. Period.
My reply which was deleted was:
You do not believe what all Christendom believed for the first 1500 years, that is a Divine Church founded by Christ and headed by St. Peter and his lawful successors, with a separate sacrificing priesthood and seven Sacraments through which flows the sanctifying grace which enable us to share in the life of Almighty God and eventually enter heaven. Rather you believe what came after Luther established Protestantism.
Deleter posted:
I give a biblical viewpoint. That's it. It's not a Protestant viewpoint. It's a biblical one.
All of my replies which follow were deleted.
Yes, yours is definitely a Protestant viewpoint. You quote the Holy Bible but your interpretation and explanation of it is not what all of Christendom believed for fifteen centuries, but rather it is what the Protestant forefathers believed and systematically taught and handed down through the ages.
Look up "Protestant" in the dictionary...and you'll see you fit the definition.
1....."A member of any one of certain churches not governed by the Catholic Church or the Eastern Church such as those who split off from the CC during the Reformation of the 1500's or developed thereafter. Lutherans, Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Unitarians, Quakers, and many others are Protestants."
2....n...a person who protests.
3....Protestantism...the religion of Protestants 2. their principles and beliefs 3. Protestants or Protestant churches as a group.
Deleter posted:
The ONLY time I even use the word Protestant is with you.
And I replied: Okay.
Deleter posted:
We don't go around calling ourselves Protestants.
And I replied: Okay.
Deleter posted:
Only the Catholics call us that and it's derogatory because they like to think we're less than they are.
And I replied:
I honestly didn't know that calling you a Protestant was somehow derogatory. As far as I can tell it's just stating a fact. In the Christian world..for the first 1500 years everyone was Catholic...then Luther, the Reformation and the divisions came...after 1517, there are Catholics and those who are not Catholic are Protestant.
As far as the last part of your statement, I don't think of people in those terms. As far as the relative merits of Catholicism and Protestantism...yes, Protestantism chooses to have "less". I point out simply "unity". Christ did insist that unity would be an outstanding characteristic of His Church. The unity of the Catholic Church world-wide is certainly as striking as its absense from Protestantism.
Deleter posted:
Here or any other subject matter that might incite a little biblical scripture is not giving you a license to debate me on the scriptures to the degree that you are doing.
I repeated: Well, when you quote Scripture and then assert it means or supports something (in this case Hawking's ideas) and I disagree, then sure I'm going to tell you and give reasons why. That's just the way that it is.
From all this I wonder is calling Protestants "Protestants" offensive or derogatory? If so why?