Is there only one way to reach God?
Published on April 25, 2011 By lulapilgrim In Religion

On another blog, a fellow JoeUser asked the following questions and made the following comments:


I am irritated with the closed-mindedness of organizations with causes. If there is only one way (YOUR way) to reach God … why are there so many divergent paths and religions making the same claim? What makes you think it is even conceivable that a paper trail in excess of 2000 years could contain much resemblance to the original fictions?

I am sure you have heard of the test that goes like this: Get a group of 10 people in a circle and whisper a statement to one person. Then they whisper it to the next and so on. There has never been a valid documented case where the original statement bore much resemblance to the 10th person’s statement. This is simply explained with the fact that people are different and they think ‘differently’. Organizations do not like this concept which they classify as ‘self-serving individualism’. 

I must be a fool (as you are want to tell me) because I do not believe that the concepts of lying, deceit and conspiracy, power struggles, suppressing the masses, limiting real knowledge, murder, deception and intrigue are new to this century or any other for that matter. But of course, religious theology was not susceptible to human contamination … of course. I believe these concepts were in existence long before recorded time. Why would this befouling of the truth affecting all of human history, exclude ONLY Christian Doctrine? Only mind dead robots could believe this absurdity.

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on Oct 31, 2011


Your entire post 238 is spoken like a true Protestant...a P-R-O-T-E-S-T against Catholicism.

Let's go over your claims.

First one:

it's NOT about Religion.

Well, yes it is about Religion. You can make believe  "it's not about religion"  but you are only deluding yourself and whomever will listen to you.  Not false religion or irreligion,  but yes, it is about the one true Religion of God's making.

Almighty God's salvation plan for mankind involves our Redeemer Christ and His one true holy religion that was revealed in the Old and fulfilled in the New Testament.

That religion is ancient Hebraic Judaism fully blossomed into the one true Christian religion known as Catholicism. It can be proved historically that Christ lived, that He was the living God, and that He founded an imperishable Church which was to be one, holy, catholic and apostolic. Find that Church of the living God and you too will have the one, true religion of God's making.

Look up "Christianity" in any dictionary. 1. Noun. The religion taught by Christ and His followers. Christian religion. 2. Christian beliefs or faith; condition of being a Christian. 

Look up "Christian" in any dictionary. 1. Noun. A person who believes in Christ and follows His teachings; person belonging to the religion of Christ.


Beside the Cross, why else did Our Lord Jesus Christ, the living God come? He tells us in St.John 18: 33-37.

"...For this I was born, and for this came I into the world that I should give testimony to the truth. Everyone that is of the truth, heareth My voice."

Notice the last part of that, "Everyone that is of the truth, heareth My voice." 

Now as for that last part, keep St.Luke 10:16 in mind. "He who hears you hears Me and he who rejects you, rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects the one who sent Me."

Who is the "you", Christ is talking about here so that we might hear His Voice and be taught His truth?  How did Christ tell us to hear His voice? It's His one teaching Church that He had established on Simon renamed Peter....the same one Church He gave His authority and sent out to convert, baptize and teach all that He had commanded.

"All power in Heaven and earth is given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded."

Now the teaching authority in Christ's one true Church can't err in matters of faith and morals becasue she has Divine protection to teach only truth.  We know this from St. John 14:25-26, 15:26-27.

"These things I have spoken to you while yet dwelling with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father well send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your mind whatever I have said to you,  .....when the Advocate has come, whom I will send you from the Father, He will bear witness concerning Me, becasue from the beginning you are with Me."

From this we know the teaching authority of Christ's one, catholic, holy and apostolic Church would not, could not teach error becasue fallible human beings would not be doing the actual infallible teaching of the truth, the infallible Holy SPirit of God, the infallible Christ would be doing the actual teaching, speaking through the human teaching authority of the Church (The Pope and Bishops).

Christ made this quite clear when He said, "He who hears you, hears Me....".

Confirming the teaching authority of Christ's one, holy, catholic apostolic CHurch is the infallible St.Paul when he wrote,

" the house of God, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and mainstay of truth." 1Tim. 3:15.

Again, find that one Church of the living God and you too will have found the one, true religion of God's making.    



on Oct 31, 2011

I don't know what sect of Christianity KFC belongs to but it seems logical to me that it might actually be more valid.  Seems their version of the Bible did not redline Christs teachings of tolerance.


P-R-O-T-E-S-T against Catholicism

Similar to Protest Wall Street, except they hadn't figured out how to slice up golden repentance into derivatives yet.

on Oct 31, 2011

Sorry people, but I am not going to continue with this back and forth brouhaha. Let the religions and churches play this game as they try to destroy each other with their kindness, infallible 'knowledge' and circular existence. This nonsense goes hand in hand with the barbarism of the time when all this goodliness was written (by man) and the bible that resulted is rampant with inhumane ‘orders’ that inflict pain, death and total destruction on the peoples of the world for acting well like people do. The following short clip amply demonstrates the ridiculous nature of religion and the stoic dysfunction of the RCC … and the absurdity of claiming that the bible is “god’s” perfect word.

10 Reasons Why the Bible is Repulsive

on Oct 31, 2011

Yes, indeed...the choice for God or against God is set before us. We have the power to choose. It's called free will. God doesn't force Himself on us, so it is an either/or situation.


Not forced at all. You just have to spend all of eternity in hell if you do not. It is like trying to explain to a judge that because you held a gun to some ones head, and told them to sign a contract or you would shoot them, that it is a valid contract, and he was not forced, he had freewill to say no.

on Oct 31, 2011


Next one of your claims:


KFC Kickin For Christ
it's NOT about Religion. It's about having a relationship with our Creator. There are many, many, many who are religious but lost. That was what Christ was saying all thru the gospels.


"It's" is rather vague. Could you be more specific as to what "it's" means?


"it's NOT about Religion. It's about having a relationship with our Creator." Do you know that these two statements are a marketeering of Evangelical Protestantism?

Protestants declare "religion" a forbidden word. That's because religion is too closely associated with the CC. But you know you're saying "It's not about religion" would have astonished St.James who had a few things to say about "religion that is pure and undefiled before God..." 1:27.

"having a relationship"? is kinda trendy and can mean different things.

If having a relationship with our Creator refers to the need for a personal Faith in the One True Holy God, then "relationship" has value.

But the trouble is relationships come and go...they run hot and cold. I'd say there are many, many, many who think they have a relationship with God, but are lost. That's because "relationship" has edged out true Faith.






on Oct 31, 2011

I don't know what sect of Christianity KFC belongs to but it seems logical to me that it might actually be more valid. Seems their version of the Bible did not redline Christs teachings of tolerance.

Well, it's true Protestants do have different versions and translations of the Bible. But even so....

"Christ's teaching of tolerance"? Can you provide chapter and verse of "Christ's teaching of tolerance"?


on Nov 01, 2011


Sorry people, but I am not going to continue with this back and forth brouhaha.

Then why did you post the "clip"?

The following short clip amply demonstrates the ridiculous nature of religion and the stoic dysfunction of the RCC … and the absurdity of claiming that the bible is “god’s” perfect word.

Was it your way of hit and run?


on Nov 01, 2011

"Christ's teaching of tolerance"? Can you provide chapter and verse of "Christ's teaching of tolerance"?

KFC quoted some of them and there are many more.

You're the bible thumper not me. I think the Bible is folklore. It is your responsibility to study the Bible if you wish to live solely by the teachings of Christ.

on Nov 01, 2011

I don't know what sect of Christianity KFC belongs to but it seems logical to me that it might actually be more valid.

I'm a biblical Christian with a Christian worldview.  Basic.  Reformed.  Usually I just say I'm a Christian because in the end it has nothing to do with denomination.  But for clarity if I were to label myself I'd go with a Reformed Baptist label.  Back to basics, stripping away all man-made traditions that have a way of seeping into our belief systems. From time to time we have to examine our lives and make sure it's God's word settling into our hearts and minds and not man-made traditions or teachings.  

Many don't realize that "church" in the Greek is NOT a building.  Church is ecclesia which is "called out ones."  We don't GO to church.  We ARE the church.  Christ went into the synagogues to teach and preach them out of man-made traditions and religiosity.  The religious leaders were furious with him and went about plotting his death.  Every time I read about the Pharisees in scripture I can't help but see the RCC because I see the same arguments they have today.  Jesus went up against their idea of religion and what did they do?   There is no bigger stain on the history of the world, no bigger tragedy than man killing their own creator showing us the full scope of how sinful man really is.  

God even uses the wrath of man for his own purposes.  



on Nov 01, 2011

Even Steve Jobs who died recently and believed wholeheartedly that there was no God did say in August, just before his death, that he was thinking more and more about God and was coming closer to belief.  He wanted to believe that there was more to life than this.  

I challenge people all the time, don't wait that long.  It most likely, will be too late.  You may not even get  that time at all.  

Give God one year.  One year, now, while it's still daylight in your life to see.  Because there will come a day, when death will come and it will be dark.  You will pass over and you will know the truth, but it will be too late.  There's a saying..."hell is truth seen too late."  Truth always rises to the top.  Always.  Truth prevails and the real counterfeits will be exposed.  

Start planning for the trip now.  It's like any other trip only longer.  Just as you make preparations for a trip on this side of eternity, make sure you give some time to prepare for the other side of eternity because there is no coming back to have a "do over."  



on Nov 01, 2011

10 Reasons Why the Bible is Repulsive

All I had to do was listen to the first section about breaking the 4th commandment (Sabbath) to know that this is someone who has NO clue about what the bible says.  

If you're listening to this stuff, and believing it, it's because you wish to be deceived.  It's tickling your ears.  They are saying what you wish to hear.  

The bible, on the other hand, is truth and makes total sense.  

Usually when one wishes to attack the bible they do go to the OT which is what was happening here.  We are NOT under the Old System (OT laws) anymore although there is very good useful information still for our benefit.  

In the NT, the Apostle Paul very clearly speaks about the New Covenant and how the Old has passed away.  

For instance, the Sabbath, instituted right at creation was to point to the Creator.  God made the earth and all in it in six days and on the 7th he rested.  Man was to take that day and celebrate the creation. A Sabbath is to worship God and give him credit for all he's done.

 There's tons of avenues I could go down here, using mental, emotional and physical well being showing us that it's very helpful to have a rest period after six days of work and it's been proven scientifically by many who are NOT Christians and are not looking at this from a biblical POV.  A rest day is very beneficial showing that the bible written thousands of years ago is in tune with what the doctors say even today.  

In the NT, the New Christians (after the death of Christ) celebrated the First day of the week (Sunday) to commemorate the resurrection which was on a Sunday.  So while the Jews in the OT celebrated the Sabbath, the Christians NEVER were commanded to do so.  The Sabbath was FOR THE JEWS.  Never the Christians.  

See, the narrator of your video has NO clue what he's speaking about when he speaks about stores and stuff being open.  There is NO command in the NT for the Christians to keep Holy a certain day.  But they did choose to keep Sunday as a day of rest celebrating the resurrection which was a GREATER work of God than even creation.  

This is where I'm saying, do your research.  Don't just listen to what man is telling you.  If you do, you are not different than the religious folks like Lula, who are listening to their religious leaders telling them what to do and believe.  We are, one day, going to each stand in front of our creator and we will be standing alone.  No excuses.  




on Nov 01, 2011

Reply #247  lulapilgrim
Lula, I didn't say I wouldn't comment ... I just said I wasn’t going to play this back and forth nonsense is all. And I most assuredly don’t want to interfere with the heavy weights who are amply demonstrating the reasons why interpretations of parables are a many splendored thing to behold first hand. But to be fair, you must be in the right of it … because you have a very modern book that tells you so. I do wonder why it doesn’t tell KFC (a second hand Christian) the same things. Humm, think maybe it is the RCC who is ever-present and ready to confuse things.

The clip was just a poke in the eye to express my dissatisfaction. It was something I was working with at the time is all? I know it is silly to ask but did you actually watch it and if so ... got any comments.

on Nov 01, 2011

Thanks KFC that answered some questions I had. But then you say something like “The bible, on the other hand, is truth and makes total sense.” We both know the Bible does not make sense at all and that is why you Lula needs a Church to interpret it for her, go figure. I do find it strange that only upstanding Catholics are all that can go to Heaven … just doesn’t seem right considering their role in human history.

I don’t know if reading the bible qualifies for research material or not but I didn’t make the clip, I just thought it brought up some very interesting things; you know negative things which you glossed over very nicely I might add. As much of it that I researched, I didn’t find one lie or misrepresentation … but attacking the author does seem to be the way of Religions I suppose. Forgive me for my ignorance, but I was under the impression that your God was incapable of error so riddle my why the OT is obsolete and contains impertinent data coming straight from the mouth of God and all? Who closed that era any way, God or the Church? And why am I supposed to believe the NT is impervious to such a mundane thing like time?

Prove that God came first in your scheme of things oh; you cannot use the Bible because it didn’t exist way back then and yet there seemed to be no lack of knowledge of God during the times considering all the “begots” and 900 year life spans and all.

on Nov 01, 2011

To show the importance of unity in the one Church of Christ, St.Paul taught that  "There is one body and one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all who is above all and through all and in all." St.Paul got this teaching from Christ and then he in turn taught it to the Church in Ephesus. Ephesians 4:4-6,

Keeping this passage in mind....I will press the distinction between the one Christian religion (Christianity) and the many, many sects within the Protestant religion. 

I'm a stickler for details and here they are.

Christianity is the one holy religion of God's making, the one Christian Faith Christ taught and it was first called Catholicism in 107 AD by St.Ignatius. Jesus Christ established one definite Church to which He gave His teaching authority to teach all Truth until the end of the world. St.Mat. 16:15-19 and 28:16-20.

Quoting Smoothseas,
reply 234
So let me tell you just one of many reasons why there are so many religions and in particular so many sects of Christianity. ....

Again, keeping Ephesians 4:4-6 in mind, since there is but " body, one faith..", etc. there can be NO such thing as "so many sects of Christianity". Impossible. However, since 1517, there are thousands of man-made sects of the Protestant religion. They exist because revolutionaries arrogated to themselves the right to coin new doctrines and set up churches of their own. Christ predicted that heresies would arise, and distinctly forbade men to abandon His one true Church and holy religion and originate their own.

I don't know what sect of Christianity KFC belongs to

This is no doubt a popular expression but an incorrect one.

In popular usage, Christianity is used in reference to all those forms of religion which profess belief in Christ. This way of speaking lacks precision and correctness. In reality, Christianity rightly signifies only the religion of Christ..His truths and teachings correctly and completely presented.

Christianity CANNOT signify a multitude of sects blending isolated truths of the one true religion of Christ  with various errors which form the basis of division amongst the Protestant sects themselves.

For example the Baptist sect accepts such truths as the divinity of Christ, the Resurrection, the Virgin Birth of Christ, but these truths are not what defines the Baptists. What defines the Baptists are those truths of the one true religion of Christ they reject...namely the necessity of the Sacrament of Baptism, and specifically of baptizing infants. This rejection is heretical and an error.

Christ certainly did not establish any one of the thousands of Protestant sects so they are not of God's making.

The first traces of the Baptist sect appeared in 1521. Martin Luther began the Protestant revolt against the CC in Germany in 1517. In 1521, Thomas Munzer set up as a prophet on his own account claimed that Luther did not go far enough in establishing his ideas. He taught that no one who had been baptized as an infant was really baptized at all. His adherents had to be baptized again. From this his followers got the name of "Anabaptists" or the "Rebaptizers". It was almost 100 years before this Protestant movement spread to England. The first English Baptists were John Smyth and Thomas Helwys. The Baptist church therefore traces itself back to 1611 in England and indirectly to 1521 on the continent. Prior to that, the various Baptist sects, the various Baptist churches were non-existent.




on Nov 01, 2011

We both know the Bible does not make sense at all

no we don't.  Why doesn't it make sense?  Have you read it?  Studied it at any length?  

I just thought it brought up some very interesting things; you know negative things which you glossed over very nicely

What did I gloss over?  I told you upfront I only watched the beginning part and noticed immediately that whoever was behind it had no grasp of the scriptures.  Not even close. So why would I watch more?    He was going back to the OT which was given to the JEWS, not the Christians which is a fundamental error.  

As much of it that I researched, I didn’t find one lie or misrepresentation …

I showed you one.  Of course you didn't find one because you want to believe this.  You wish to be ignorant on purpose.   That's ok if that's what you wish.  I'm a truth seeker.  I have to know/understand the truth not what I want it to be.  It's not about my truth, but THE TRUTH.  

but I was under the impression that your God was incapable of error so riddle my why the OT is obsolete and contains impertinent data coming straight from the mouth of God and all? Who closed that era any way, God or the Church? And why am I supposed to believe the NT is impervious to such a mundane thing like time?

He is incapable of error.  Who said it was impertinent data?   The OT was a temporary system set up before the Messiah would come.  When the Messiah (Jesus) would come he would replace the Old Covenant with a New Covenant.  In the Upper Room Discourse (before he died) in the gospels he mentions this.  The Old Covenant sacrificial system and all that it entails looked forward to the Cross when Christ would come and shed his own blood for mankind.  The OT system of killing lambs and goats for sin would no longer be necessary.  That was an ongoing system replaced by the atonement for sin at the Cross; a once and for all deal.  His sin for ours.  

That's why John said when he saw Jesus coming "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world."  John 1:29


If you read Acts  (the beginning of Christianity) Chapter 15,  you'd see there was turmoil among the  new believing Jews.  They saw these Gentiles filled with the HS and knew that God's hand was upon them.  So they were confused.  What do we do with these Gentiles?  Do they have to come under the OT system, get circumsized, abstain from certain foods etc?  The answer was no from Peter and James (Apostolic leaders of the new church).  Paul later wrote a letter to the Galatians about this very subject and the letter of Hebrews written to the Jews also had much to say about this new better covenant that replaced the Old.  Christ fulfilled the old.  It wasn't that it was impertinent or irrelevant but that there was a better system.  All was planned from the get-go right from the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve sinned. 

So instead of keeping the OT law, the Apostles wrote that the church was now under Grace.  They were NEVER under the Old Covenant system which is where you get the 10 commandments.  

In your video, the first part of it, his argument for dissing scripture was that the Christians don't keep the Sabbath.  Well, go ahead and read Acts 15, written 4,000 years after Exodus (which they quote in the video) to see what the real truth is.


That is if you're even interested in truth.  







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