Is there only one way to reach God?
Published on April 25, 2011 By lulapilgrim In Religion

On another blog, a fellow JoeUser asked the following questions and made the following comments:


I am irritated with the closed-mindedness of organizations with causes. If there is only one way (YOUR way) to reach God … why are there so many divergent paths and religions making the same claim? What makes you think it is even conceivable that a paper trail in excess of 2000 years could contain much resemblance to the original fictions?

I am sure you have heard of the test that goes like this: Get a group of 10 people in a circle and whisper a statement to one person. Then they whisper it to the next and so on. There has never been a valid documented case where the original statement bore much resemblance to the 10th person’s statement. This is simply explained with the fact that people are different and they think ‘differently’. Organizations do not like this concept which they classify as ‘self-serving individualism’. 

I must be a fool (as you are want to tell me) because I do not believe that the concepts of lying, deceit and conspiracy, power struggles, suppressing the masses, limiting real knowledge, murder, deception and intrigue are new to this century or any other for that matter. But of course, religious theology was not susceptible to human contamination … of course. I believe these concepts were in existence long before recorded time. Why would this befouling of the truth affecting all of human history, exclude ONLY Christian Doctrine? Only mind dead robots could believe this absurdity.

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on May 20, 2011

Lula posts: “Believing in God seems to be the natural condition or intuition”-

BT posts: Believing in Nature satisfies all my conditional needs.

Lula posts: believe in nature and I'm telling you that God created nature and nature as part of the created world is a proof of God's existence. 

I don't believe you, sorry.

Since you don't believe God created nature, I have to ask....... how did nature come to be on earth?  What is the body of empircal scientific evidence that supports your belief? 


on May 20, 2011

Let's go back to Adam and Eve.

Lets not, unless you can prove they ever existwed and of course you cannot ... without an inter-office memo from the theological department.

I think irrational belief is dangerous phenomenon, and I try to consciously avoid irrational belief.

Me too.

BoobzTwo position is that we should not succumb to irrational belief.

That's my position too.


But it's not irrational to believe in Adam and Eve and that all human beings descended from them...not irrational at all. Why?

Because God is the principal Author of the Holy Bible, (in that the human writers were inspired by Him to write what they wrote) the account of Adam and Eve in Genesis is certainly true.

There is nothing in favor of Darwinian Evolution, "the creation story" of Atheists, to justify doubting the direct formation of Adam and Eve by Almighty God.

Just as an aside,  haven't scientific and mathematical tools detected Adam and Eve? Wasn't a reputable study done comparing the mitochondrial DNA of people from different areas of the world and it was concluded that all had the same female ancestor now called mitochondrial Eve? She was the woman who was ancestral mother to all living people. Then they also determined where mitochondrial Eve lived...which matched perfectly with the Biblical Eve and Noah's 3 daughters-in-law and as a result each one of us can claim on of them as our ever so great grandmother. And according to the calculations, mitochondrial Eve lived only about 6,000 or so years ago.




on May 20, 2011

Who wrote the current Bible?

I'm glad you asked, and you might be surprised at the answer, but it will have to wait as I have a household full of hungry people and a dinner to cook.

on May 20, 2011

Since you don't believe God created nature, I have to ask....... how did nature come to be on earth? What is the body of empirical scientific evidence that supports your belief?
To be perfectly honest I do not really care. But I am not going to be made to believe that God or any other supernatural ‘source’ snapped their proverbial fingers and reality was born.  I am of course interested in the past, but I am much more inclined to look to the future because that is where I may have some influence.
There is little taking your sheep away from you … you are chasing them away with this constant prattle of perfectness and the Only Truth. The reason why abortion is so high is because you are providing the establishment an enemy for them to sink their finances (trolling for votes) against you. Now how is your sole saving going as compared to the death toll? I believe the paid for votes are still winning. But because of your perfect God anointed morality, saving fictitious soles is all that really matters. How can you just disregard the numbers of deaths you have caused in your quests to save recruit more people? This is pretty much the same tactic the USG uses to gain more assets … they send in the anarchists. In their case, it is in the form of the CIA, in your case they are called missionaries.
I can think of very few institutions of man that so pointedly espouses the degree of hypocrisy the religions of the world exhibit in all their perfectness. You first insist the world at large not only participate in your irrational beliefs, but they have to believe in them too. You offer no choice, proof or options and you ignore the scientific world almost as if it were the irrational side. You can barely answer simple questions without reverting to theology. I do not have the answers to the mysteries of the Universe and nobody else does either. You make enemies of every circle of society you so choose to demonize and you pretend they are all attacking you and your religion. Homosexuality exists in all sections of society, in most church … and all the way to the Vatican, yet you condemn them (those whose soles haven’t been saved I guess) … I do not like hypocrites. (NOT you personally!)

You have built in excuses that seemingly grant you the authority (?) to do anything in His name and you have built in excuses for failing sheep to keep them in line, got to keep the coffers full. And you have nothing besides condemnation for any and all that see it in a different light ... just more self-made enemies for you to attack while pretending they are attacking you, go figure.

on May 20, 2011

Just as an aside, haven't scientific and mathematical tools detected Adam and Eve?
... hum, I do remember something about that, so it must have been a religious documentary, hehehe. After supper, I will see what I can dig up, ok. 


Don't think you want to go here ... Adam was traced to one man ... 60,000 years ago who wasn't the only human alive, his DNA is the only one that survived. Eve was traced bact to between 150,000 to 200,000 years ago and likewise. All I could find out ...

Who wrote the current Bible?
40 writers of the 66 books, which make up the Bible is all I came up with with minimal research ... I am sure you will do much better though.

PS - be careful searching Adam and Eve ... there are many sexual perversions that will come up to.

on May 20, 2011

Lula – On some post somewhere in here, there was a discussion on the origin of the universe. Many of the religious justifications were from a documentary called “The Privileged Planet” by - Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay W. Richards … so I looked into it and it was interesting… I am planning to start an article to review the film in 12 11 segments (YouTube). Thought you might be interested in some different ping pong commentary for a change? First segment is an introduction so I will skip it when I get started.

on May 20, 2011

Lula posts: believe in nature and I'm telling you that God created nature and nature as part of the created world is a proof of God's existence.

I don't believe you, sorry.

Since you don't believe God created nature, I have to ask....... how did nature come to be on earth? What is the body of empircal scientific evidence that supports your belief?

To be perfectly honest I do not really care. But I am not going to be made to believe that God or any other supernatural ‘source’ snapped their proverbial fingers and reality was born. I am of course interested in the past, but I am much more inclined to look to the future because that is where I may have some influence.


Nature is a wondrous thing, I just do not think there is an overseer ... and you do. And you know, it doesn’t really mean a thing, what you or I think we know because we don’t and I am want to prove something first … and you are not, what matter that? It doesn't change a thing.

Yes, what we believe and think about origins does mean something. 

If God does not exist and evolution is true then people can just make up their own rules about right and wrong. If God exists and He created us, God gets to make the rules. His standards decide right and wrong. Either way both sides affect how people act.


on May 20, 2011

Lula, I am not (mostly) talking about you personally, I just get all wrapped up with all the various theological things so I call it “you” pretending I am conversing.
You have a need to know because it is fundamental to your faith but I do not. I understand and accept empirical evidence on its face value, not because someone tells me or because of some book that forces me. I know we are like ‘babes in arms’ in the development of technology and the furtherance of our knowledge. A couple thousand years ago the world was flat, everyone knew that. Say, wasn’t that back around the times when your bible was being composed? I do not think the concept of a universe or galaxy or even a solar system was much in their minds … so I do not think your arguments for universal scope came from the writers of the bible??? Egad … everyone knew the stars and the moon rotated around the Earth in the mid-16th century. You see, science has a way of sneaking up on people and more or less forcing them to at least explain themselves and present their evidence. You cannot do this and will accept no outside evidence at all. And yet in all your failings, you have spent the last 100 years trying to use my science to prove your irrational beliefs (is that possible?) and have only harmed your own cause in the process. I have a working viable theory on the origins of human kind and the universe within my scope of understanding and you just want me to have faith in the supernatural, how silly is that? If God exists indeed?

on May 21, 2011

Lula, first I do not know that evolution is true, it is just a working and physically plausible theory. No irrational input can be accepted unless it can be independently substantiated and that is where your problems lay. The sciences have failed you, our current empirical knowledge has failed you and your theology has failed you … so it has to go back to the irrational thought that all it takes is faith first (?) … just what the USG is asking for too, go figure. Make up our own rules, how novel is that idea, hehehe.

Here are a couple of questions to ponder. 1, Can human kind create life?  And 2, is there other life in the cosmos? Just as an abstract example in logic try this. The bible was gathered together at a time in our history when we had virtually no concept of a universe, galaxy, or solar system. So there can be nothing in the bible that could possibly be used to argue these cases … because of their insular issues, primitive technology and scope of understanding. The bible also came from a time when much of the known flat world was in turmoil.

As I see it, the religions made the fatal mistake of representing the bible as actual fact and as a historical document. Had they been truthful back then and claimed that it was a good work of mysticism and virtues … this concept could have been nurtured throughout the ages to accommodate the passage of time and the changing technology that had to follow. But they didn’t, and now you have to live with that mistake because you cannot change your mind now … your betters will not allow it, go figure

on May 21, 2011

BT posts #3

You seem to think that history can only be defined religiously and explained in its entirety from a crusty and too often mistranslated book written even before the Dark Ages when Christianity flourished. Contemporary technology has provided a genealogy for the evolution of man and there is nary a mention of virginal births or any of the other wonders of the bible, go figure.

You have me pegged wrong as far as your statement about history is concerned. I'm interested in both history and Biblical salvation history because they overlap. Agree or not, believe it or not, there is actual history in the Bible. There are also parables, poetry, songs, prophecy and other kinds of writings. 

The early Protestant translations were full of gross errors which no unprejudiced Protestant will deny. So, I agree there are lots of mistranslated Bibles out there. There are also incomplete Bibles as we shall see later. These and the misinterpretation of the Bible create errors, problems and confusion.  

Fortunately, the Church has provided a substantially accurate version....the Douay Rheims Version. It's an accurate word-for-word translation from the original Hebrew and Greek made by Saint Jerome (343-420) in the 4th century.


Who wrote the current Bible? Current scholarship to my knowledge assumes that the material that constitutes the Old Testament was put together from various oral and folk traditions, many going far back into the Hellenistic period.

That was one of several currents, of which the collection that formed the New Testament was another.


40 writers of the 66 books, which make up the Bible is all I came up with with minimal research

Let's be clear. 66 Books make up the Protestant version of the Bible. Protestant Bibles, beside other things, are incomplete.

The Catholic Bible has 46 Books in the Old Testament. The 46 Books are those contained in the Greek Spetuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible. This was the translation made in Alexandria, Egypt that started in 250 BC. by 70 Jewish scholars residing there. This translation was made during the 3 centuries before the birth of Christ.

I know the Holy Bible has come under much criticism, but even so, that doesn't change the fact that the Bible is the Word of God, inspired by Him and therefore guaranteed by Divine inerrancy in its own authentic meaning.


Biblical archaeology was developed in the last hundred years in an effort to substantiate the authenticity of the Biblical account. It is now generally recognized in Biblical scholarship that it has done just the opposite. .

What Biblical scholarship are you referring to?

Actually archaeological finds have shed positive light on the Bible. Ancient monuments and entire cities have been unearthed and historians have obtained a more accurate picture of ancient times and many aspects of life as mentioned in the Bible.

One of them is the discovery in 2001 of Herod's magnificent palace in Jerusalem. You know Herod the ruler who asked the 3 Magi where he could find Jesus that he might adore Him? The Jewish historian Josephus writes Herod was "a man of great barbarity toward all men equally and a slave to his passions; but above the consideration of what is right. His dominant passions were ambition and jealousy" ---traits which fit in will with his slaughter of the innocents recorded by the Gospels of Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke and John if you care to read about it. 

Turns out Herod and his sons were considered the greatest builders of the ancient world. Among the most notable projects were the Jerusalem Temple, theaters, hippodromes and palaces. Archaeologist, Amit Re'em is convinced he's uncovered Herod's lavish palace and massive walls.

ANd what about the great 1947 archaeological discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, a collection of nearly 1500 ancient manuscripts printed on leather and papyrus? The scrolls were written in ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and some Greek. Talk about a rare peak at what the ancient Hebrew Bible looked like. We have it. 

And oh for the wonder of modern technology!!! The world's oldest text of the Bible, the Codex Sinaiticus, which dates from 350AD, contains all the texts of the BIble including the first Greek version of the Old and New Testaments is going to be/has been digitized in high resolution images.


on May 21, 2011

Lula – On some post somewhere in here, there was a discussion on the origin of the universe. Many of the religious justifications were from a documentary called “The Privileged Planet” by - Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay W. Richards … so I looked into it and it was interesting… I am planning to start an article to review the film in 12 11 segments (YouTube). Thought you might be interested in some different ping pong commentary for a change? First segment is an introduction so I will skip it when I get started.

Many thanks for this post. I have been able to watch through 3 but plan to watch the entire series. It seems like good stuff. I look forward to your article. Go girl. [e digicons]:karma:[/e]

on May 21, 2011

Actually archaeological finds have shed positive light on the Bible. Ancient monuments and entire cities have been unearthed and historians have obtained a more accurate picture of ancient times and many aspects of life as mentioned in the Bible.
Lula, the bible was written when these aspects of life were actually (go figure) the real aspects of life of those times ... how could it be otherwise written? But there is nothing that I have found that substanciates biblical ... anything?

I would expect nothing else from you. I have never said there were not good things in the bible many of which you listed. It sends shivers down my scientific spine though when I see stuff like “a substantially accurate version”. Be as clear as you like, I am not going to play with all your different religious circles, no way. 44-66-27 hike, they are just meaningless numbers as they came from a quick search is all.

You put a lot of effort here but this stuff is just above my level of forbearance. I am amazed that you covered this stuff as well as could be, I expect. I couldn’t question your numbers or dates; it just doesn’t interest me much anymore. I am working on a lot of things and most of them stem around 9/11 and the violence in the Middle East, is all. I looked up ‘Herod's magnificent palace in Jerusalem’ and could not find any references that were not theological in nature. When I finally forced it out of Wikipedia I ran into this … According to the Bible … so I am not buying it. The Dead Sea Scrolls are a collection of 972 texts and prove nothing whatsoever concerning the validity of the bible as far as I could see (Wikipedia again) so I am not buying this one either. Best I could find was “… of great mythic and historical significance.”  And that doesn’t pass the science test. You always end up back to theology to support everything.

on May 22, 2011

Lula, all this looking into stuff not high on my list of things to research, has caused me to reflect of a possible problem in my conclusions, humm… there is one possibility I can grant you. We aren’t technologically intelligent enough to prove your irrationality … but we might be one day … but that day is not today. This is why our conversations are so paradoxical.  You claim God alone has infinite wisdom and knowledge of which mankind is incapable of even understanding, and yet you demand I prove everything to YOU, down to the spinning electrons and further I guess? So why would you want me to explain anything to you that you already believe to be untrue and beyond any human’s ability to do … I wonder. Beware the Age of Aquarius is upon you … you guys have had your 2150 years to spread your mischief around the world.

I would much prefer to talk about the Precession of the equinoxes, solstices, equinoxes and the past Ages. Go back (3 Ages?) and humankind was virtually exterminated during the last Ice Age. I am not sure of the figures, but I believe it was 19,000 humans survived so we virtually had to start the gene pool over with such a small base. This is the only reason people around the world are all related genetically and why it emerged in earths temperate zone ... same start, is all.

on May 22, 2011
on May 23, 2011

myfist0, I have all 3 of these in my favorites on YouTube ... they are awesome to say the least. Part 1 was a source of many of my arguments because it was the best summation of events I had found. I have quite a few pages of notes buried in my puter ... somewhere??? I thought about presenting this stuff before, but then I found a list of “lies of the Zeitgeist movement” from  … you guessed it … so I was pretty sure how the following discussions would flow … I did a lot of historical research to verify much said within the clip and “Wikipedia” came through with flying colors. I am trying to steer Lula towards this aspect of things, where I actually can play too … with all my misconceptions and misrepresentation that will all be denied … what matter. I have seen other clips that reiterate the facts in these clips. I don’t know how to find you in zombie land so I am glad you found me. Michelle

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