lulapilgrim's Articles In Current Events
June 18, 2008 by lulapilgrim
I decided to post this article from because it's a good follow up to my last post "Kicking God out of Schools". You see  the judge that's featured  is the chief judge of the US Ninth Circuit of Appeals which is known for its decisions against marriage, traditional family values and ruled the Pledge of Allegiance as unconstitutional. Homosexual and Abortion Activist Judge Caught with Bestiality on Website By Tim Waggoner LOS ANGEL...
September 9, 2008 by lulapilgrim
Politics and When Does Life Begin?     On July 16, 2000, on Meet the Press, the late Tim Russert asked Al Gore “When do you think life begins?” Gore: I favor the Roe v. Wade approach but let me just say, Tim-- Russert: Which is what? When does life begin? Gore: Let me just say, I did change my position on the issue of federal funding and I changed it because I came to understand more from women--women think about this differently than men. Russert:...
May 6, 2010 by lulapilgrim
  Goldman Sachs' real sin Check out this article from WorldNetDaily Exclusive Commentary by Linda Harvey.      If you are following the Senate hearings and public castigation of Goldman Sachs, you've probably figured out what the American take-away is supposed to be: Wall Street equals greedy capitalists equals conservatives equals Republicans equals need for more government oversight. Therefore, we must remember to vote for the kinder party &...
April 1, 2010 by lulapilgrim
  A Must See! A 10 minute video meditation on the various wounds of sin which plague humanity, wounds that were borne by Jesus on the Cross. The drama of Christ's Passion shows how Divine Mercy bore our wounds and wants to heal us. An Excellent Lenten preparation for the Sacred Triduum!  
October 14, 2010 by lulapilgrim
Out of the Depths     The 33 miners who were trapped for nearly 70 days in a Chilean gold and copper mine are all alive and safe. They were freed today, on October 13, the day of Our Lady of Fatima. But there is more... By Robert Moynihan ,  reporting from Rome =====================================  " De profúndis clamávi ad te, Dómine " (" Out of the depths I have cried unto thee, O Lord").   —Psalm 12...
May 18, 2012 by lulapilgrim
The Equality Myth, a Founding Legend JANUARY 26, 2012 by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira All epochs have a founding legend, a myth that reflects the underlying zeitgeist [spirit of the times]. Those, who like us, live in the contemporary West, are living in the shadow of the Equality Myth. Our political and social institutions operate on the premise that all human beings are fundamentally equal and that any inequalities in the real world are aberrant as such and require coercive correc...
January 16, 2012 by lulapilgrim
SEE: The first paragraph of my first article entitled,  "CONTRACEPTIVE SEX EDUCATION ROOTED IN SECULAR HUMANISM, Planned Parenthood, etc. is in the details" is:  Planned Parenthood aka 'family planning services' is the devil behind the details of comprehensive K-12 contraceptive sex-education ever since its inception in the 60's. Planned Parenthood's spawn is SIECUS, Sexuality Information and Education Counci...
October 24, 2011 by lulapilgrim
Whether or not you'd vote for him, he's got this right.   A must watch video.    
August 30, 2011 by lulapilgrim
  Today, I got the following Action Alert in my email box.   New York mayor bans prayer, clergy at 9/11 memorial service The tenth anniversary of the Islamic jihadist attacks on New York on 9/11 will soon be upon us. Faith in God sustained millions of Americans on that day and the days that followed. Americans looked to God and to their spiritual leaders for comfort and guidance. But New York mayor Michael Bloomberg has banned all clergy and all prayer from the ...
July 18, 2011 by lulapilgrim
  Capitalism: The System Or the Regime?   Many celebrated the downfall of Communism as the triumph of capitalism. Certainly there is some truth to this. But while Catholic social teaching utterly rejects Communism and Socialism, it does not embrace capitalism without qualification. The Pontiffs offered a clear understanding of the service of the market for the common good.  In Centesimus Annus ,
July 7, 2011 by lulapilgrim
  Rush Limbaugh: angry media should just imagine Casey Anthony had a delayed abortion by Kathleen Gilbert Wed Jul 06, 2011 13:40 EST Rush Limbaugh at his best, telling media who are angry over the Casey Anthony verdict, “just tell yourselves that she waited a couple of years to get an abortion and then you’ll feel better.”  Via Real Clear Politics : “You know, what I don’t understand about it is they’re [the media] all card-...
November 6, 2010 by lulapilgrim
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman November 4, 2010 ( ) - A homosexual organization is planning a massive "kiss-in" in front of the pope as he leaves Barcelona's cathedral on Sunday during his planned visit to Spain. The group, which calls itself Queer Kissing FlashMob, is calling on homosexuals to kiss each other for two minutes as the pope passes, and then disperse.  The group hopes to infiltrate the crowd by dressing like people from traditional Catholic movements such as "...
October 29, 2010 by lulapilgrim
The Declaration of Independence is the foundation, the statement of basic principles of God-given rights and the Constitution is the legal structure built on this foundation and the method by which these unalienable rights are secured.  America was founded and based on Judeo-Christian principles of morality.  But ever since the early 60’s, there has been a massive, secular effort by the “anything goes” crowd infected with moral relativism to remove these principles of...
October 23, 2010 by lulapilgrim
I received the following email from AFA Action...The Legislative Action Arm of the American Family Association. President Obama censors 'Creator' from Declaration again For the third time in just over one month, President Obama has refused to include any mention of the "Creator" in his recitation of the Declaration of Independence. The Founders believed that "all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Lib...
November 7, 2007 by lulapilgrim
Planned Parenthood aka 'family planning services' is the devil behind the details of comprehensive K-12 contraceptive sex-education ever since its inception in the 60's. Planned Parenthood's spawn is SIECUS, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the US. SIECUS designs permissive sex-ed curriculum and provides the materials, videos, books, etc. used in the kindergarten through 12th grade classrooms across the country. It's designed to sexualize our kids. By giving more and more ex...